Thursday, May 22, 2008

A random post of bla's...:)

There's always a decision to make in life....we will have to go though many crossroad in our lives.. go left or rite? stop or carry on? leave or stay? These are the choices that will decide how we end up in life...How will we ever know if they are the correct ones? How can we ensure that we are always happy? That we will not have regrets?

The answer?

Never. We will nvr knw wat will happen...These are juz the chances we have to take when we make our decisions..I've had certain regrets in life..for nt choosing the path tat i wanted..the path i needed to make me happy...instead i choose the path tat made others happy...din matter at the time if it wasnt wat i made others happy...

And now..

I come across the same crossroads again...shd i take the same path? Shd i make my decision to make others happy? I hate it when ppl used the sentence "if u really love and care for me, thats wat u will do.." Ppl who knw me will knw wat i would do...i would comply...And yet...this time ard, i feel hesitation to comply...i want to make my own choices...i wan to choose my own path in life..i hope its juz not to late..though i may seem to have chosen the rougher path but at the end of it all i knw i would feel a sense of achievement..wont i? I knw i will :)

Those who really care for me will support and give me strength in times when im faced with obstacles in life...wont u?

Im scared...

Have been feeling scared these few weeks...scared of being alone..scared of change..scared of moving forward...thinking too much i suppose..I pray for strength to carry me on..Pray that i wont break down..

If we are all living on borrowed time..and i knw that we are..make good use of it..evry single second of it..coz only God knows when its payback time...

"...the rich declare themselves poor and the rest of us are not sure if we have too much but we'll take our chances coz God stop keeping score...its so hard to love when there's so much to hate..hangin on to hope when there's no hope to speak off...well maybe we shd all be praying for time..."

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